Excuses, Excuses, Excuses...

  1. How often do you find yourself saying, “I’d like to… but…”? It’s a common refrain, and what follows the “but” is often a limiting belief masquerading as truth. What if I told you that those beliefs are simply holding you back from pursuing the life you truly desire?


Challenge Your Excuses

The next time you catch yourself making excuses, take a moment to reflect and ask yourself these six powerful questions:


⁉️ When did I decide that was the truth?
Reflect on the moment you formed this belief. Was it based on a specific experience, or is it something you’ve internalised over time?


⁉️ Did I ever not believe it?
Think back to a time when you didn’t hold this belief. What changed, and how did you feel then?


⁉️ Do I know anyone who doesn’t think that is true?
Consider people in your life who challenge this belief. How do they navigate their lives without the same limitations?


⁉️ What is the consequence of me believing it?
Identify the impact this belief has on your life. Is it keeping you from pursuing your passions or achieving your goals?


⁉️ What could I believe instead?
Open your mind to new possibilities. What empowering beliefs could replace the limiting ones?


⁉️ What would happen if I did believe that instead?
Visualise the potential outcomes of adopting a more positive belief. How would it change your approach to life?


Embrace New Possibilities 

Prepare to be pleasantly surprised by your answers. Challenging your excuses can lead to a more joyful life, free from the constraints of limiting beliefs. You hold the power to rewrite your story and create a life that feels authentic and fulfilling. If you're ready to break free from those limiting beliefs and excuses, let’s chat! I’d love to support you on your journey to a more joyful and empowered life.


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